Scott RE: Your 2 Week Training at Our bar
What’s up? How are things going back home? Things aren’t the same around here without you. Friday night I worked behind the big bar in the # 5 spot. I think I kicked ass there. I laid it all out on the table and went for it. I played the jump shot game and gave away a whole bag of chocolate kisses and got a few real ones in return.
I had blast and I know I couldn’t have done it without you. I’m doing all I can to win that # 5 spot.
I’m not going to let anything slow me down, it just adds a little more challenge to the game which will drive me to work harder(and smarter) and I’ll excel that much quicker.
I practice 3 to 4 hours a day on my flipping and working flair bartending. I set up a bar at home and practice making drinks. Going from one move to the next is becoming more natural, where I don’t have to think what to do next, it just flows.
I only spend about an hour a day practicing a new flair bartender move, I mostly concentrate on the basics and get those smooth and clean and then work up to flipping and get those snappy and clean.
I’ll be ready for you to start showing me how to flip behind the head and shadow pass this fall when you come back. Thanks again for everything you did for me and training the staff at Baba Rum. Hope to hear from you soon.
St. Robert
Hi Scott,
I just wanted to make sure and write you. Id like to say that your flair bartender training program is fantastic. The other employees and I had a really good time and learned alot! Some more then others, but that is what the manual is for right?!
The bar is comming along. More delays here and there but should be done by this comming wednesday. Samuel and I have been trying to get some bottles together and practice with them because Jeff started to try some things we did. He tried with a full bottle and I guess it doesnt quite rotate the same way that the flair practice bottle does! Not a big surprise.
Again, thank you so much for everything. I had a great time and leared more then I thought the classes were about. Im glad that your program is not just about the flair as a focus, but like you said, more of a tool to use to make the guests experiance that much better.
Thank You,
Scott Eisenbeisz
The Drink Bar
P.s. Ms. Young, if you are reading this, good job! Your son is a really good guy!
Scott, Sorry it has taken so long for me to finally give you some feedback on the bartending class I attended this year at the Country Club in Augusta. Sold my restaurant and am heading back to Vegas for a while.
Anyway, as far as your flair bartending course goes… I was amazed at the whole course that your organization provided!!
Usually there are classes that you take that have a dull moment where students are dozing off or not paying attention, but not in your class. The hands on parts, the one on one instruction, the dvd/videos, and the teaming up of classmates and making them perform in front of the class is excellent.
And the bar managerial points that you bring up through out the class could be a class in its own. Hey, I owned a bar and I gained plenty of knowledge that I will use in the future!
Overall, I would recommend your course to any bar owner who is interested in bringing in flair bartending to their bar and to any bartender that wants to learn flair or improve on their flair skills.
The class was outstanding and I appreciate you letting me attend (and Lewis), I had a blast and still practice about 8 hours a week; I even built a practice area in my loft!! Poor neighbors!
One thing I would like to ask you. Is their any where in Vegas to get a little more training? I am headed out there in the next week and will be out there for a few months and would love to pick up on some new material.
Thanks again for everything, enjoyed hanging out and if I open a new place up, you WILL be getting a call for another training class!!
still flipping, Mike Guthrie
Hi Scott,
I have just recieved my flair bartender dvds I bought at – and thanks they are great.
I have not seen then all yet, but I am just learning the basics first.
I bought the Full Program – All 6 bartender DVDs and a flair bottle.
In one of the first videos/dvds you are talking about some stickers for the tin. But I did not get any. How come?
Hope to see more dvds by barsmart and you
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Christian Risager Busch
Hollændervej 12 St.
6000 Kolding
PS: I work as a bartender at Discoteque Tordenskiold, DK-6000 Kolding – Denmark. Kolding Press “JA” to enter.
my boyfriend hawk went to your seminar class in vancouver last august. he is totally pumped to really practice more and we have found a few training items.
one is a serving tray. i checked a little but didn’t find how much a roll of stickers was. (he wants to decorate the entire tray in those stickers) i’m pretty sure that he wants the “serve it with flair stickers”, but i need to know how many-ish stickers are in a roll so he can find out if he needs more than one roll.
i am so happy that i have someone so passionate about a job that i want to help him any way i can 🙂
Just wanted to thank Scott Young for the phone call the other day. I never would have thought the owner of a company would personally handle a question from a customer….wow!!
Outstanding service, you definietly practice what you preach. If you or any of your staff are ever in NJ let me know, I work for a paintball field as well so come out and enjoy shooting each other!!
Hey Scott, its jason in Texas again. Just wanted to let you know that I received my bottles and the shirt and DVD that you sent as well. I am very happy with the way you handled everything and I thank you.
You have a customer for life. I did have one question though. I am having trouble with my cut off when pouring when the bottle is upside down. If you have any ideas on how I can improve in this area that would be great. I know your busy, so just get back to me if you when you have time. Thanks again man.
Dear Scott,
Just read your e-mail and wanted to take a moment to say “Thanks!” for your promptness, honesty, candor, and humour! — [LOL]
I’ve always been a big Rush fan (I even have a handwritten post card from none other than “Pratt”, the man himself!), have a cousin currently living in Calgary, and have always appreciated how “y’all” Canadians are so polite, open & frank about…virtually everything!
You’ve got a great down-to-earth writing style, and I look forward to staying in contact in the future — Thanks again!!
Whats up? Hey I know and im sure you get hundreds of emails but hey i just wanted to thank you for coming down to dallas and sharing alot of your knowledge. not only as a flair bartender but as a bartender period.
I been bartending for about 7 year and like you said in your seminar just got tired of making a plain ol rum n coke or poppin beers. You said a word in your seminar about being like a “chameleon”, fitting in wherever you go with whoever, and thats a word that people use when they talk about me.
Im already a geat bartender but with all your help and knowledge ill be an acceptional one no doubt.
I purchased two of your dvds(Begginer working and competion flair) and with the help you gave us all combined with these are truly the inspiration i needed to get in to this flair bartending.
Nobody in dallas does it but you know what we got going on with nellies and tryst and its truly one of a kind experience so you know what im steppin into. IM READY. intelligence,finesse, and creativty. i posess these three qualities that i believe make a good flair bartender. NE ways long story short……….THANKS…EHHH !!!!!
Hey, what’s up, man. Thanks for the reply, and sorry to hear about your back. Hope everything’s alright with you now.
I’m not sure where I was the last time I wrote you, so here’s a quick recap. This all started with your bartending videos.
I did my first flair bartender competition after six months of training (Best in the West). I had no routine — just got up there and flopped — but I guess it wasn’t as bad as I thought; I got 6th out of 9 in my heat (which for my level was pretty cool, I thought). Well, I was taking the Flair Devil’s working flair course at the time, and the next day, while at the class Steve Pacheco said he heard about my “performance” and ended up offering me a barback job at Carnaval Court. He says, “Would you be opposed to being a barback again?” I’m like, “At Carnaval Court?!! I’ll be the guy who takes the trash out!!” So anyway, Steve got me a barback job at Carnaval Court, and it’s pretty much the greatest place in the world.
I’ve been working there for almost three months now, and it’s awesome. My second competition was King of the Ring II (semi-pro). I didn’t do as well as I would have liked (I missed going to the Finals by one place — I came in 6th overall)
— had a lot of drops and butchered my juggle — but oh well. My practice is hovering around four hours a day, so I’m gonna have to kick it up a couple notches.
That’s pretty much where I stand. I’m not doing another competition for a while (probably Flips for Tips in October), ’cause I just wanna practice and not worry about competing for now. I have a Level Test at work in one week (speed, accuracy, working, and exhibition rounds to think about), so I’m getting ready for that, but after that I can relax and try to make some progress. These guys are so good out there, and I’m kinda starting a little late (I’m 26 now!). I will say that flair guys will see me sometimes and they go “Hey, you’re that guy that’s always at the park!” (that’s the designated practice spot in town), and that’s pretty cool.
Yeah, so, it’s not a TOTAL success story yet (if I become a bartender at Carnaval, THEN my story will be complete!), but it’s still farther than I thought I would come in a fairly short amount of time.
And it started with your video series, brother! That’s funny, huh? I remember watching the first video thinking, “If I could just learn that stuff, I’d be set!”
Then I got the next video and I remember being blown away. I was pretty sure that I’d never be able to do all that stuff. But it pushed me, so I gotta say thanks. Scott, you da man, and maybe in a couple years you’ll be able to say, “Hey, I remember when that guy bought my first video series!”
Thanks again.
Shaun Plummer