Why not consider advertising on ExtremeBartending.com?
- Overview of ExtremeBartending.com – This is our Brand site. Included under this brand is also www.mixeddrinkrecipes.net and www.famousquotesandjokes.com
In business since 1994, ExtremeBartending.com is the premiere portal for the bartending and hospitality service industry. We specialize in flair bartending resources, but include everything from a comprehensive drink recipe database to an online store for bar supplies to an industry directory and much, much more.
The website receives over 3,000 Unique Visitors Per day ( approx. 100,000 Unique Visitors Per month ) and 100,000 pageviews a day.
- Visitor Demographics
The visitors to ExtremeBartending.com are primarily bartenders, bar owners and managers, although the general public makes extensive use of such resources as the drink recipe database. The majority of visitors tend to be under 30 years of age, and more men than women come to the site. The lion’s share of the traffic comes from the US (about 80%) with Canada being second (just under 10%).
- Media Formats
We can accept any kind of advertising, including GIFs, animated GIFs, text, rich text, Flash, html; however, we won’t accept any kind of popup or interstitial advertisements.
As mentioned above, the website receives approximately 100,000 page views a day, and we have several spots for ad placements:
Top banner – This is a standard 468×60 banner that appears in the top right-hand corner of every page throughout the site.
Right sidebar ads – 160 x 240 (Small Tower Banner)
Only On http://www.mixeddrinkrecipes.net/ ( our most popular and mainstream section. It is part of our brand site and looks the same )
This is on each page of a “Found recipe Query or Results “ ( Middle of page under drink recipe )
Mixed Drinks – Results Page Left 300 × 130 Left banner on the Mixed Drinks results page
Mixed Drinks – Results Page Right 300 × 130 Right banner on the Mixed Drinks results page
Bottom banners – There are spaces for two half banners (234 X 60) at the bottom of every page.
Text Links
One of the simplest and most effective ads you can do is a simple text link. These are the “Sponsored Links” located on the right-hand side of various pages throughout the site. These are displayed at the same location on every page of the site.
- Pricing
Advertising on ExtremeBartending.com is effective and reasonable. We are currently accepting cost-per-1000 impressions (CPM) advertising. We are even happy to join your affiliate program if it’s fair and an appropriate partner for ExtremeBartending.com.
With CPM ads, you own the space and can put whatever advertising creative you think will be most effective. This is better for branding campaigns, where you’re more interested in sticking in people’s brains than actually getting them to take some kind of action. The following costs are for 1,000 ads. All prices are in Canadian dollars.
Location | Recommended File Size | CPM |
Top right hand corner banner | 20 KB | $6.00 |
Right buttons | 10 KB | $3.50 |
Bottom half banners | 15 KB | $1.00 |
Text ads | One line | $250/month |
As we mentioned above, we’re also willing to consider joining relevant affiliate programs. Just send us an email with the details of your program to advertising@extremebartending.com and we’ll consider it.
- Accessing Your Statistics
ExtremeBartending.com uses a high-quality banner management system that lets you log in, see your statistics, receive email reports, and even fine-tune your campaign on the fly.
We will handle it for you.
- Contact ExtremeBartending.com
So, are you convinced yet? Why don’t you send an email to advertising@extremebartending.com explaining your situation and we’ll get right back to you with some ideas and pricing.